Learn how you can help with wildfire recovery in LA. Read the Episcopal Relief and Development news article here.
Donate to the ER&D Wildfire Response Fund here.
Articles concerning lost churches by Episcopal News Service, Time and Episcopal Diocese of LA Fire Response and Resources.

Welcome to
St. Martin's Episcopal Church
You’re Welcome Here
We are a warm and welcoming congregation inviting all members of the Mason, Texas community and beyond to join us in song, service, worship, conversation and prayer at St. Martin's Episcopal Church. Come and be a part of this thriving and hope-filled congregation.
Special Worship Opportunities
​​Wednesday, March 5, 5:00 pm Ash Wednesday, Visitation of Bishop Suffragan-Elect Angela Cortinas, Imposition of Ashes, and Holy Eucharist. Read here about her election. Watch on YouTube

Worship Schedule
Worship With Us on Sunday at 11 AM
105 Willow St, Mason, Texas 76856
Fellowship follows on Most Sundays at
211 San Antonio St, Mason, TX 76856

Please click logo below to visit our worship service on YouTube

Sunday Service
We extend a warm welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, widowed and LGBTQIA.
We extend a warm welcome to babies, toddlers and pets. Saint Martin's is the only dog-friendly church in Mason County, and congregants and visitors are invited to bring their canine companions to services.
We welcome you whether you sing loudly or hum to yourself. We don't care if the last time you attended church was Christmas Eve twenty years ago. You are welcome here.
The homily by our priest, The Rev. Dr. Tom Luck, is typically followed by a time for comments, questions and group discussion. Music is joyful and beautiful.
Special Worship Opportunities
Besides gathering together on Sundays at 11 AM, St. Martin's also celebrates many feast days throughout the liturgical year. Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter are observed in the Spring. We have a tradition of celebrating Lessons and Carols at Christmas, singing many beloved carols of the season. Each year we have a special Summer worship service along the Llano River and many enjoy the worship, fellowship, food and the river.

Interested in joining one of our worship services? Get in touch to find out more.

News in the Diocese of West Texas
St. Martin's Episcopal Church is a mission of the Diocese of West Texas. By clicking on the images or links, check out some of the upcoming events and news in the Diocese and in the larger Episcopal Church.
St. Martin's Supports Blessing House. Click here to learn how you can support this important service to our community.
On January 21 there was "A Service of Prayer for the Nation" at Washington National Cathedral" with the new President. The homily is by the Washington Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde. Click here to read how the homily increased first-time visits to Episcopal churches.
Watch Full Video Watch Homily
The Rev. Dr. Tom Luck, Priest-in-Charge of St. Martin's, has a new book. Click here to learn more.

Joyful Fellowship
We Love to Share Hospitality
The people of Saint Martin's love to worship together and to have fellowship with one another and the wider community. We invite everyone to join us for worship every Sunday at Saint Martin's and then to gather with us for our Sunday potluck lunch at Sandstone Cellars Wine Bar. You will find dishes ranging from BBQ to salads to lactose-free macaroni and cheese. And glorious desserts.
Come join us for fellowship.

Being the Church
in the World
Serving the Larger Community
The people of St. Martin's have a long, proud and dedicated history of serving the people of Mason and beyond, sharing God's love for all. We actively participate with the Mason Ministerial Alliance by cooking and serving meals and helping with the Food Pantry.
Members of St. Martin's were instrumental in helping create and are active in the Mason Community Kitchen and Second Chance Mason Animal Rescue.
Contact us today to find out more about joining us in serving our community.

"When LOVE is the way,Â